Claire, a Successful Sugar Mummy in Nairobi, Seeks a Loving Partner.


Hello! My name is Claire, and I am a 35-year-old woman living in Nairobi. I am fortunate to have the love and support of my amazing parents. I run my own businesses and live in my own home after working hard to grow my career.

I value both traditional and modern values and am looking for a partner. I’m not focused on wealth but on finding a healthy man between 19 and 38 years old. With my life in a good place and a heart full of dreams, I am ready to meet someone special to share love and happiness with.

Excited to connect with Claire or other amazing Sugar Mummies and Sugar Daddies? Reach out to Admin via SMS, WhatsApp, or Telegram at 0755765795 . A small connection fee of just Kes 550 applies.

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